First English Speech Contest!!



Sajitsu held its first English Speech contest. The event featured students from both the 1st grade and 2nd grade classes.


In the 1st grade category, students tackled the theme of "School Rules," encouraging everyone to reflect on the necessity and role of rules within the educational environment.



The 2nd grade participants took on the challenge of expressing their insights under the theme "What I Have Learned from My Experience." Sharing personal learning from their involvement in sports clubs and interactions with friends, these students conveyed valuable life lessons and highlighted their individual growth throughout these experiences.



Each student spoke for 3-5 minutes, using slides to help explain their ideas. The judges then evaluated the participants based on 4 aspects: attitude, content, volume, and pronunciation. The emcee role was also taken on by a 2nd grade student, conducting the entire event in English.




Sajitsu has incorporated all-English lessons into the curriculum for the past two years. Through the lessons, we aimed to empower students as global citizens, organizing their thoughts and expressing their ideas confidently across different languages.

佐実は過去2年間、全学年のカリキュラムにAII Englishの授業を導入しています。これらの授業を通じて、生徒達がグローバルな人材になるよう言語の壁を越え、自分の考えを整理し、自信をもって表現できるよう指導しています。